Circle Calculator

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Radius (r)=\hspace{0.2em} (r) = \hspace{0.2em}

distance between two points - illustration

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About the Circle Calculator

In this circle calculator, you can enter the value of a circle's radius, diameter, area, or circumference, and it will calculate the other three for you.

Also, the calculator will tell you not just the answers, but also you can calculate them.

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i. Valid Inputs

Each of the inputs provided must be a non-negative real number. In other words, the input must be 0 or greater. Here are a few examples.

  • Whole numbers or decimals → 2\hspace{0.2em} 2 \hspace{0.2em}, 4.25\hspace{0.2em} 4.25 \hspace{0.2em}, 0\hspace{0.2em} 0 \hspace{0.2em}, 0.33\hspace{0.2em} 0.33 \hspace{0.2em}
  • Fractions → 2/3\hspace{0.2em} 2/3 \hspace{0.2em}, 1/5\hspace{0.2em} 1/5 \hspace{0.2em}
  • Mixed numbers → 51/4\hspace{0.2em} 5 \hspace{0.4em} 1/4 \hspace{0.2em}

ii. Example

If you would like to see an example of the calculator's working, just click the "example" button.

iii. Solutions

As mentioned earlier, the calculator won't just tell you the answer but also the steps you can follow to do the calculation yourself. The "show/hide solution" button would be available to you after the calculator has processed your input.

iv. Share

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Here's a quick overview of what a circle is and a few different concepts related to the shape.

Circle — The Basics

A labeled diagram of a circle

A circle is the set of all points in a plane that are at a fixed distance ( called radius and denoted by r\hspace{0.2em} r \hspace{0.2em}) from a certain point, its center (O)\hspace{0.2em} (O) \hspace{0.2em}.

Now, a line segment from one point on the circle to another point on it that also passes through the center is known as a diameter (d)\hspace{0.2em} (d) \hspace{0.2em} of the circle.

Also, the length of the diameter is twice that of the radius.

d=2rd = 2r

Circumference and Area of a Circle

Cicumference refers to the perimeter (or the length of the boundary) of a circle. And here's the formula for the circumference of a circle in terms of its radius r\hspace{0.2em} r \hspace{0.2em} or diameter d\hspace{0.2em} d \hspace{0.2em}.

C=πd=2πr\begin{align*} C \hspace{0.25em} &= \hspace{0.25em} \pi d \\[1em] &= \hspace{0.25em} 2 \pi r \end{align*}

Finally, the area of a circle is given by

A=πr2A = \pi r^2



Find the circumference of a circle with a radius of 4 cm\hspace{0.2em} 4 \text{ cm} \hspace{0.2em}.


The formula for the circumference of a circle is

C=2πrC \hspace{0.25em} = \hspace{0.25em} 2 \pi r

Substituting the value of r\hspace{0.2em} r \hspace{0.2em} into the formula, we have

C=2π4=25.13\begin{align*} C \hspace{0.25em} &= \hspace{0.25em} 2 \pi \cdot 4 \\[1em] &= \hspace{0.25em} 25.13 \end{align*}

So the circumference of the circle is 25.13 cm2\hspace{0.2em} 25.13 \text{ cm}^2 \hspace{0.2em}


The circumference of a circle is 7πunits\hspace{0.2em} 7 \pi \text{units} \hspace{0.2em}. Find its area.


The area of a circle is given by the formula

A=πr2A \hspace{0.25em} = \hspace{0.25em} \pi r^2

As you can see, we need r\hspace{0.2em} r \hspace{0.2em}. And we can find it using the circumference (provided in the question) as follows.

C=2πr7π=2πrr=3.5\begin{align*} C \hspace{0.25em} = \hspace{0.25em} 2 \pi r \\[1em] 7 \pi \hspace{0.25em} = \hspace{0.25em} 2 \pi r \\[1em] r \hspace{0.25em} = \hspace{0.25em} 3.5 \end{align*}

Now, substituting the value of r\hspace{0.2em} r \hspace{0.2em} into the formula for area, we get —

A=π×3.52=38.48\begin{align*} A \hspace{0.25em} &= \hspace{0.25em} \pi \times 3.5^2 \\[1em] &= \hspace{0.25em} 38.48 \end{align*}

So the area of the circle is 38.48 sq. units\hspace{0.2em} 38.48 \text{ sq. units} \hspace{0.2em}.

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